Monday, August 8, 2011

Bunking Cousins

Maeby: I don't get it. Why do we have to change rooms?
Lindsay: Cousins of the opposite gender shouldn't be sharing a room.
George Michael: But that's just the point. I mean, we're cousins. You know, gender has nothing to do with it. Cousins can bunk together. That's why they call it "bunking cousins."
Lindsay: They call it "kissing cousins."
George Michael: We're not kissing. That's the point.

These are most of my sweet little cousins we just spent a week with in Lake Tahoe. 
I love them more than George Michael loves Maeby.

 photos courtesy of juneyb


Lauren said...

The little chick with the marshmallow looks like your mom!

Ashlyn Isabella said...

You're so good with children.

Anonymous said...

love the new and improved blog look. love the pictures. love the arrested development quote.