Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is a VERY big deal

This is Annie, our VERY coddled dog.
This is also a VERY big day for me. I'm about to do something VERY big. 
So back in '07, our family got Annie because Jane wrote a paper entitled "A Plea for a Puppy."  
Somehow, my parents gave in. Weird, they never give into Jane. 
Anyway....I HATED Annie. I hated her. I don't think anyone has hated getting a family pet as much as I did. I couldn't even look at her. 
I'm still trying to decide if it is because I was semi scared of her, or that we got her because of Jane, or because we didn't name her Sammy like I wanted to (dog on Parent Trap), or I just didn't like the idea of us having a pet. Whatever the way, I really disliked her. 
The key to all of this, is that its in past tense. I used to hate her. I don't anymore. 
And that is the VERY big thing. 
I'm publically admitting that I like Annie. I do.
Heck, I walk her almost daily. 
I even touch her willingly. And apparently she makes me look kind of drunk.
 I came around. Sue me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Summer in Present Participles

Finals end. INGs start.

Reading. Learning to like sports---->then Participating in sports. Walking. Hiking. Taking more pictures. Cooking. Attending cultural events. Enjoying concerts. Being outside. Traveling. Cutting out sugar during the week. Organizing. Cleaning. Working. Psyching myself up for fall semester. Not remembering spring semester. Swimming. Spending time with great people. Watching movies.
Just having a good time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vocabulary Enhancement

Words I say too much:
used in a sentence: "You're great." "That's great." "That sounds great." etc.
used in a sentence: "You're fun." "Fun." "That should be fun." etc.
used in a sentence: "Well heck, that would be great." "Why the heck would I do that?" "Who the heck is that?" etc.
used in a sentence: "Also, you're great." "Also, I want to do ____." "Lets do that. Also, lets ____."etc.

New suggestions for myself:
Enjoyable. Delightful. Excellent. Marvelous. Wonderful. Splendid. Fabulous. Super. Killer. Hunky-dory. Brilliant. Terrific.
Entertaining. Amusing.  Interesting. Cheerful. High spirits. Pleasure/Pleasurable. Good time.
Gosh. Goodness. (Why) on earth, (What) in the world, (Who) in their right mind.
As well. In addition to. Furthermore. Moreover. On top of that. What's more. Likewise.

I'm open to other suggestions, and/or words I should discontinue.