Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 pairs #twotoomany

FIRST OFF..... I'm going to start hash tagging for fun. No I don't have twitter, but everyone and their dog is doing it. #jumpingonthebandwagon (how am I doing?)

People of the internet.... #fellowcyberfriends:

I just want to declare what an awful decision maker I am. #ihaveproblems. 
I currently have three pairs of running shoes sitting on my floor. 

I bought one of them on Saturday.... and two tonight. Why, you ask, did I buy all three? Because I can't decide which one to keep, of course. One of them is more pricey. One of them is supposedly more comfortable. And one of them is worse looking. ...tricked you, i'm talking about the same one. Can you guess? 

But after staring at them for an hour, I don't even know if any of them are good looking anymore. Nor do I know if I should be at all concentrating on the look of them. Perhaps I should have been walking around in them for an hour instead. But I mean really, they're all probably about the same comfort wise, if we're being honest. Relatively close. I just make things harder than they should be. #overanalyzer
I need to just pick one. So if someone would just pick one for me, that'd be great. #domeafavor

And I can't run tomorrow because I can't wear one of them, if i'm returning it. #theproblemskeeppilingup
Bless my heart. #lovemyself

Thank you. #livelaughlove


alyssa nelson said...

I'm guessing the last pair are the shoes you're talking about being all 3 in one. I'm pretty sure those are Asics. If they are, they are a great running shoe. Solely on looks, I vote the first Nike shoe. On practicality, I vote the last. Let's be honest, you should probably stick with the last.

Lauren said...

Oh. I'm a huge Nike fan; I just feel like more of an athlete when I use Nikes.

JuneyB said...

#iwanttokillyouwhenyouusehashtags #stop

Hillary said...

I'm a big believer in nike. they've always been kind to my knees #onlybeenarunnerfor4or5years.

Ashlyn Isabella said...
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Ashlyn Isabella said...


I don't even care about the shoes, I was too concentrated on the hashtags.

This was the greatest post.

Solution to your real problem? Don't run. Take them all back.


Ands. said...

#omg #omg #sogladyousaidlivelaughlove #urthebest #howareyoubythewayandithinkyouregreat