Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm not going as far as blunt bangs but...

I've conformed.
I got a macbook, toms, and now a blog. I'm resistant to these things, and then I try them and they're not that bad and I realize I was being stubborn. Thats the typical process. If this isn't one of "these things" it shall be deleted when that is discovered. Until then, I'm just going with the blogging trend. See what all the hype is about.
In other news, today I paid a $217 ticket to the Bountiful City Police Department and I just spend 3 hours at McDonalds, which is more time then i've spend there in my whole life combined. It turns out those little $1 salads aren't that bad. Heck maybe i'll conform to being a McDonalds regular too.
Blogging is a good time.

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