Thursday, April 5, 2012

Church Cheese

Perhaps it is because it followed President Eyring's talk, which was arguably my favorite (if i'm allowed to say that), but I was loving this the verse that is men/acapella.... and how on earth could anyone not tear up watching that man cry at the end? Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet.
I love catching members of the choir crying, it kills me. 

While we're on the topic of church cheese....


Erin Blake said...

Sarah, I love that mormon message! I really needed to see that.. We had a similar experience driving across the country to grad school, two little kids in an old volvo wagon with everything we owned in the back.
I love Elder Holland!

Jocelyn said...

I always get choked up when the motabbers cry... man, that sprit. Come thou fount was my favorite. I love conference.