Thursday, April 19, 2012

heres a fun way to ruin a good song...

Noise canceling headphones SUCK. Well I'm sure the expensive ones are good.... but these....

are awful....
and here is why:

  1.  I can't put both of them in at work because then I can't hear the phone. (yes I can with both in with the regular ipod ones) So I have to put one in, but then I only hear half the harmony, or half the instruements. 
  2. The other day I was walking up to my car on campus, minding my own business, and the two boys in front of me moved over to the edge of the road, I keep walking for a minute and then turned around to see a large truck right behind me. Didn't hear it driving up at all. I felt like an idiot. 
  3. or the worst.....when chewing and every single bite is heard louder than the music.... and this is the one that I think is specific to these headphones. Its horrible. I hate chewing. I hate chewing. I hate chewing. I hate listening to people chew.... I changed my whole morning schedule in high school just so I didn't have to eat breakfast/listen to slurping at the same time as my father. (love him) The last thing I want to do is listen to my own teeth chomp pretzels while i'm trying to listen to music. 


JuneyB said...

except you chew way loud... so....

Ashlyn Isabella said...

Just eat liquid food for the rest of your life. Problem solved.

Ands. said...

Pretzels were soooo last season. Or maybe they're for every season. And every day. With peanut butter. I'm a jerk.

Ces casque d'ecoute n'est bon qualite pas. Get rid of 'em.