Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm just sayin'

Typically i'm not an every day blogger. But glance down at bullet #1 on snowy days post, for background, and just hear this nine minutes out...
Also, the times are approximate. Obviously I wasn't looking at the clock.

8:38 a.m.
Put in a pice of toast.
8:39 a.m.
Its not adequately toasted, so I push it down again. Also, I start cooking an egg.
8:41 a.m.
Its burned. I'm ticked.
8:41.5 a.m.
Put in a new piece of toast. Turned the heat up to see if I can do it all in one.
8:43 a.m.
Remove my perfectly cooked egg from the pan onto a plate. But since I was busy with the egg, I forgot about the toast.  Look in the toaster, and the toast is back behind the little holder thing somehow. I then get a knife and lean down to try and get it up before it catches on fire or something. Meanwhile while i'm leaning down, my hair touches the stove burner and sizzles...apparently I left that on. I then unplug the toaster, realizing its probably not safe to be sticking a knife in there with it on.
8:44 a.m.
Switch over to a fork instead of a knife...better grip on the toast.
8:44.5 a.m.
I realize how loud this song is blasting...

      .....and my phone is ringing. Thank you Alyssa Child.
8:45 a.m.
I get out the toast with a fork, and put in a new one.
8:47 a.m.
Everything is fine. I'm eating an egg and a piece of toast (#3), while chatting with a pal.

I'm just sayin' that was a little rough, and unnecessary.  I think something is wrong with the toaster... Or i'm very open to the idea that there is just something wrong with me.


Erin Blake said...

I just got my hair cut like that! jk Sarah jk! You are so gullible.

Sarah said...

Is that also how you were doing it all those times I was watching Kate for you?? Jk E jk!

Hillary said...

I listen to this song on a regular basis.... I feel like you should have it. I'll burn it onto a CD for you.