Tuesday, March 8, 2011

snowy days and tuesdays always get me thinking

Here are a few questions i've been thinking over...

  • why on earth can't our toaster just toast the bread perfectly? If I turn it low, I have to cook it four times. The third time, it's hardly toasted, the fourth time it's burnt. If I turn it up, it burns quickly. So really, the question is, at what rate do I want to burn my toast? It ticks me off.
  • is wearing an outfit of five neutral colors only really ok with the fashion world now? Or have I just convinced myself of that because I do it so often?
  • why have I been driving with the music so loud lately? Am I loosing my hearing? Am I afraid of the noises my car makes? 
  • why can't I wait to turn 21? Oh yeah, to see him, June 22nd. And also, reguarly go to bars.
  • how have orthodontists not come up with a faster technique to straighten teeth then braces, for a year+? I feel like there should be a shorter process by now... maybe there is one...
  • why would anyone want to be an audiologist? It just isn't that interesting. 
  • how do people have the motivation to spend a large amount of time studying every day? Maybe if I could figure that out, i'd find out why people want to be audiologists.
  • how do people have the motivation to exercise every day? slash the time really... slash the ability to coordinate showering at the appropriate time to avoid showering twice. Showering, it always convinces me not to. 
  • why do I always spell exercise...exersize the first time?
  • why do I love the Italians that are visiting, that I hardly know, so much? I hardly know them.
  • how am I NOT supposed to eat all the Italian chocolate slash sweets they brought us??
  • I also love them. Where were they prior the discovery, two months ago?
  • what the heck am I going to do today? When my JOB gets canceled, it really throws my day off. I know... I'll (exersize) exercise...shower....study audiology...
  • should I get another job?
  • what am I doing with my life? This one is the over powering one... right after the toaster one of course.


Laur said...

Yes.. the whole showering thing throws off my excercise motivations.

eLaiNe MaiN said...

You know me....blog stalker. I can't help it. I just laugh at the way you say things. So so Sarah!

Sarah said...

Steph! Fun. I so so miss you! Want to go to Robintinos and eat a mediocre salad soon??

Unknown said...

sarah... i am a blog creep. but who gives a rat's a that you have to push the toast down twice? i hope you know that movie and you don't think i am being rude. or too creepy.