Saturday, March 26, 2011

those are very powerful words. yes.

So, You've Got Mail. I have a thing for this movie, along with most girls. But, no offense to most girls, I feel like I have more of a thing. Not all, but most. So anyway, this evening, while doing my homework, I was watching it. Let me proactivly answer a question: I can watch that movie while doing my homework because i've seen it so many times I dont even need to look at the screen. I already know whats going on, I just listen really. When I got this movie for my 17th birthday I watched it every single day for at least two months. Thats real. I have habit of over watching movies. To an extreme level. I'm not sure why I keep watching the same 10 movies over and over, but I just keeping watching them.
But back to You've Got Mail. Tonight while I was listening, shopgirl saying..."I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it or because I haven't been brave?" me thinking. Yes, I'm throwing out quotes. And yes, I would like to ask myself the same question. I'm just sayin. Take it as cheesily as you want, but its a good question and point.
I wonder if i've justifed how "small" my life is, and if I really am semi disapointed with myself because im not doing something a little more exciting. Or am I honestly happy with simplicity. Nope simplicity is the wrong word, my life isn't simple. Uh, am I honestly happy with ... well small. Perhaps I need to up my bravery. So the first thing that comes to mind when up-ing bravery, is change. Something that kind of intimidates me. I am thinking i'd like to flee the country. Even for a short period of time.  Europe? Sure. Anywhere really.  But does leaving the country really mean bravery? I don't think so. What the heck is brave? (We all know that brave is short for brave-er-y.) Maybe being brave means that I stay here instead of spend money? Maybe being brave means that I focus more on school? It could mean I learn to do something totally new? It could mean a lot of things. Eh bravery. Who needs it?
Welllllll on a different You've Got Mail note.......Favorite scene from the movie:
Actually from here until the end of the movie... and really part of the reason is because Signed Sealed Delivered is playing right before this. Also, because of the friendliest flower. Also, Tom's eyes when he says "I do." Also, the vase line. How legal is it to be able to put clips of movies on here? Oh youtube.


Erin Blake said...

Unsolicited opinion: Go somewhere. I've learned from this experience (my moving) that change gives your brain something new to think about, new things to see, learn about, new people to meet. With me there was sadness involved, because I was actually giving up things in order to move here. At your age, there is nothing but positive. You know you'd come back, you know the same is waiting for you. Money in my opinion shouldn't be wasted but should be used for your life experiences. Using it on a travel experience, never wrong. The fact that you've been asking these questions says you should go for it.
One other question which only Meg Ryan and you would know the answer to. How happy are you in your current small life as she put it? If you are extremely happy and the thought of moving or traveling causes ulcers, then enjoy your life! Not everyone loves uncertainty and adventure. If you are restless and dream of what it would be like constantly, now is the time. It won't be when you have 2 little kids..

Erin Blake said...

you don't necessarily need to post that. Bye!

Sarah said...

hmmmm Erin Erin Erin... You make a lot of good points. And since you are my life mentor, I'm pretty sure I need too. NEED too. Great. I'll do it. Maybe i'll stop in Cali on my way out... actually flights are super cheap right now to long beach....just sayin...

Hillary said...

.... we're still going to europe right?

Sarah said...

yeah thats what I was getting at really.... I was just waiting for you to say something. Lets start planning.

Mary said...

I almost cried when I watched the clip. It made me miss home, and well really just that movie and my own crazy attachment to it. About you being brave... if you go somewhere, leave the country, don't make it too long please. Or at least plan on taking me with you.
I think you're great, and I think your current "small" or "simple" life is fantastic. I'm looking forward to returning to that...
Anyway, you're great, and so is your blog.

Brooke Shoko said...

hey. your blog! yes!

Catherine said...

Um, yes to all of this. I remember when I was eleven, my dad gave my mom a Stevie Wonder CD for her birthday and when Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours started playing, I was like, "From the part this starts playing to the end of the movie, that is my most favorite part in You've Got Mail." I'm glad you love this movie.